Jun 11, 2007

Resting Up

The morning after my last entry I woke up a little irritated at my bleeding right shin, but to my surprise it didn't hurt much. However, when I pulled a sock on my left foot I felt a surprising amount of sharp pain--apparently I had smacked my left ankle sometime in the last week with enough force to cause a nasty little bone bruise. I've had to wear my sock rolled down on that foot for the last 4 days it's been so troublesome.

Needless to say I'd taken a few days away from the skateboard to let that sucker heal, but last night my appetite for skating got the better of me, and I ran a wrist wrap and two pairs of socks around that ankle before hitting my favorite parking lot.

I was very cautious trying flip tricks, but I actually found that a combination of the few days rest and a relaxation of my enthusiastic aggressiveness actually helped me skate more precisely, if not all around better. I finally was able to execute basic ollie-kickflips, though I'm not landing them at full speed yet.

I seemed to have figured out that with both kickflips and heelflips the farther off your board your front foot is the easier the board flips. Now with a kickflip as I edge my front foot off the backside of my board in preparation for the ollie I tend to weave to the left--I'm going to try to tighten my rear trucks a bit to allow for that.

And I will be taking it easier for the next few days as I try to nurse this ankle back to normal. In the meantime I suppose I can shop around for a decent pair of shin guards...

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